Participating Artists: Sean Adams, Esperanza Alzona, Lynda Andrews-Barry, Joanathan Bessaci, Deborah Bonsack, Adam Bradley, Chris Combs, Roger Cutler, Kate Doyle, Hyunsuk Erickson, barbara Januszkiewicz, Sanzi Kermes, Wanjin Kim, kirsty little, Mary Opasik, Jonathan Ottke, Floyd Roberts, Jon-Joseph Russo, Christine Lee Tyler, Sarah Wegner
The phrase ‘a point of view’ can have multiple meanings. It can be defined as a position or perspective from which physical objects, mental concepts, issues, etc are considered or evaluated. It can also be used to refer to one’s opinion or perspective on things, their personal view of the world. In art, perspective is the process of translating the 3-dimensional world onto a 2-dimensional canvas. It is the skill of using line, mathematics, color, and any number of techniques to trick the eye into seeing through a plane into another world. In modern parlance, the initialization POV has become ubiquitous, whether in the world of gaming or social media, to reference scenes and videos from the perspective of the person looking out at the world. Borrowing this language, this exhibition asks artists to ponder the nature of perspective. Each of us has a unique lens through which we view, navigate, and react to the world. While we can never fully inhabit another’s viewpoint, as artists, we have the power to offer glimpses of our own ways of seeing the world, made manifest through our work and the discourse around it.
Artists are invited to explore POV as a concept or technique for sculpting illusion, presenting your view of reality, commenting on the fallibility of perception, offering multiple viewpoints of a concept, providing a historical perspective on a topic of choice, or any other way that best presents your point of view.
-- Nehemiah Dixon, III