Marcos Smyth

Alexandria, Virginia, USA

Born in Brazil, in 1955 to American parents, Marcos was educated in Portuguese and English.  Growing up in the rural interior, he enjoyed access to nature and exposure to creative people who made many crafts and objects useful in daily life.

In 1971, he came to Texas to finish high school and attend college.  With a practical orientation, Marcos started Industrial Engineering at Texas Tech University.  After a return to Brazil in 1975, he apprenticed with the artist Alecy de Azevedo and resolved to pursue the arts.  He then returned to Tech and its new art school and started an apprenticeship at Mesa Bronze Foundry.  After becoming disillusioned with art school, he finished his foundry apprenticeship and returned to Brazil in hopes of starting a foundry there.  Making ends meet there was difficult.  Though Marcos got to work with several great artists he was unable to continue there.

An illness brought him back to the US.  Settling in Alexandria, Virginia, Marcos ended up supporting himself as a goldsmith and practicing his art on the side.  Participating in various group shows, Marcos has been encouraged by artist friends and one in particular who is a collaborator on ephemeral installations.  Recently retired from working as a goldsmith he has devoted himself to his studio art practice and continues making ephemeral outdoor installations.


Washington Sculptors Group, past member of Washington Project for the Arts and Torpedo Art Factory.

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