Jeremy Thomas Kunkel

D.C. U.S.

Jeremy Thomas Kunkel, American sculptor, is a  broad-based artist known for post-modern conceptual art utilizing debris and discarded objects. Working from entanglements between art and life, he orchestrates work through a hybridized process of fluid conceptualization and making, informed by the work's evolution and threads of influence connected to it. For the past decade Kunkel’s work has been focused upon what he has termed “Urban Islands”. Landscapes encompassing the trueness of the nature and impact of humanity.  Cutoff from the general population by offramps and highway intersections, these microcosmic landscapes encapsulate both the overarching quality of the natural, and the more ephemeral notions of society.  Between a wide array of site specific sculpture, performance, video, live feeds and other orchestrated engagements Kunkel Looks at seductive qualities of perception that reflect on the space where human centric narrative intersects with time, and the reality of the natural world.

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