Donna Cameron


MPS/ Inter-Telecommunications and New Media

ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University

Terminal Master's Degree.

MA/ Cinema Studies

Tisch School of the Arts, New York University

BFA/Film and Mixed Media

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

The Rhode Island School of Design

Position Requirements:   DESIGN AND FABRICATIOn, software and Coding used for creative design projects, Knowledge of Film & Television History

Design and fabrication experience and projects, as well as coding experience, are described in the accompanying application letter. Below is a list of technologies that I have used in a Maker Studio setting and in my teaching and artwork.

●     COMPUTER OS: Mobile, Android, Mac, PC, Linux, SGI.  

●     SOFTWARE: Adobe CC, CS, Microsoft, Maya, WordPress.

●     CODING:

●     FILM Analog & Digital: s‐8mm, s-16mm,16mm, 35mm. 4K, RED, 9K.

●     VIDEO: (Analog): 1, ½”, 3/4", VLD, VHS, Beta SP, hi‐8mm.

●     PHOTOGRAPHY: Large, medium gauge. Familiar with digital cameras.

●     ANIMATION: Rotoscope, stop-motion, cell, direct, 3D.

●     CPE Cinematic Paper Emulsion process that I designed and patented.

Select list of University appointments

●      2001-current, NYU, TSOA-OA, Open Arts Curriculum/Program, Faculty

●      2015-2016  NYU, TSOA-OA-CA, Open Arts/Collaborative Arts, Faculty

●      1994-2000, NYU, Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television, Faculty

●      2005-2007, NSU, Department of Film and Media, Production Faculty

●      1998-2000, SVA-CAD, BFA Thesis Faculty. SVA-SCE, Software Faculty

●      1998-2003, NYU-SCSPS, Production Faculty

●      1998-2000, SVA, Production Workshop for High School Students, Director

Teaching Experience QUICK-CHECK LIST for MultiMedia Courses (Corresponds to courses mentioned in MY Application letter)

Politics of Portraiture is the hybrid lecture course that I teach now. It was developed in 2000, piloted in 2005. The course encourages students to learn, observe and express aspects of portraiture using media of their choice. Active: 2005-2021

Interactive Multimedia Workshop was created for the TSOA Undergraduate Department of Film and Television. The software used was Macromedia Director a multimedia authoring software with a scripting language, “Lingo”. 1997-1999

Lecture, Theory and Practice Workshops

Sight and Sound Video is a UGFTV department core course I taught for five years. The position required that I apply my extensive knowledge of montage, shot design, frame composition, studio television cameras, field video cameras, and basic television history to guide students through all levels of studio and field productions. Active: 1994-1999

Video for Photographers was developed and taught in the TSOA Department of Photography and Imaging. I guided student productions from concept to completion, using mixed camera acquisition, including small gauge video cameras, microphones, lighting, scripts, and editing using CS, Ps and FCP software. Active: 2000-2002

Design of the Frame in Film, Video and New Media was a NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Department of Film and Media projects, lecture course that I wrote and taught. It was a flipped film history course design- learning history and theory from artistic practice. Students were assigned film history materials for homework and completed design. Active: 1999-2003

BFA Thesis Production, Pre-Thesis Production were courses of study I taught at the School of Visual Arts’ Undergraduate Computer Arts Division, NY, where I held the position of Moving Image Specialist from 1998-2000. The course was a fall-spring class unit design. I guided a multimedia group of graduating students and guided them through senior capstone projects- study, treatment, production, output, and presentation of their theses for spring graduation. The program required collaboration with a team of specialists. Software used included Dreamweaver, AE, Ps, Pr, Java, Maya. 1998-2000.

Select Public LECTUREr, Panelist and Speaker

2019 National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, speaker, “The Films of Shirley Clarke: Robert Frost, A Lover’s Quarrel with the World”

2019 National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, speaker, “Diary Films of Jonas Mekas”

2017 The Capitol Hilton, panelist, Smartphones as the New Museums, American Bar Association, Section of International Law, Washington, DC

2013 National Portrait Museum, DC, lecturer, “The Life & Work of MLK,”

2013 The Film Society of Lincoln Center, NY, speaker, “Shirley Clarke in Our Time”

2011 The Asia Society, NY, speaker, “Getting a U.S. Patent on a Creative Art Process”

2007 Ca Rezzonico, Venice, Italy, the 52nd Venice Biennale “Hearth & Home”

1988-2005 The Museum of Modern Art, NY, Presenter, Solo and Group Film Programs

1995 The San Francisco Art Institute, CA, Presenter, “Retrospective” 

1995 The Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, Speaker, ‘Shirley Clarke in Our Time’

1992 Herbert F. Walker Museum, NY, Speaker, “Films of Donna Cameron & Len Lye”.

SELECT Permanent Collections

●      The Museum of Modern Art, NY,

●      The Library of Congress, Washington, DC

●      Fordham University Fine Art Collection, Bronx, NY

●      The Donnell Media Center, NY Public Library, NY

●      The MacDowell Colony, New York, NY

●      Elmer Bobst Library, Avery Fisher Media Center, NY


Washington Printmakers Gallery, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, Museum of Modern Art, Department of Film Artists Archive, Chicago Art Source, Canyon Cinema, Lightcone, University Council of Arts Educators

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