Part 2, Monday, March 3, 2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm (on zoom) Want to boost your posts on social media but worry that interacting with sites like Instagram, Facebook, or X could affect your rights to your thoughts and images? Our panelists: Janet Fries, Vice President of the Board of the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA) and Jonathan Ottke, Washington Sculptors Group’s Social Media Administrator, will clarify many of the issues which could affect not only your outreach, but also your copyrights. Social platforms can be easy to use but there can be elusive trade-offs for developing a following. These could jeopardize ownership of everything you upload. While Ottke is ready to suggest ways you can enlarge your online footprint, Janet Fries will outline possible legal ramifications of social networking practices. Join us for an in-depth conversation that will allow you to take charge of your online brand, while informing you what you might be giving up to participate. About our Speakers Janet Fries is Of Counsel with Lutzker & Lutzker LLP, where her practice focuses on copyright law, trademark law and entertainment law. She has been a WSG Advisory Board Member for many years. Fries serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA) so issues relating to local artists are important to her. In addition to her legal practice, Fries is an experienced professional photographer, widely published and in museum collections, including the National Portrait Gallery. A collection of her portraits published between 1973 and 1991 was produced in 2024 by Hemphill Artworks. Fries earned a B.A. in art from Smith College, an M.A. in fine art photography from San Francisco State, and a J.D. from GW Law School. Jonathan Ottke has been WSG's social media official for the second year now and has worked hard to achieve our social media goals. He has been able to increase the diversity, interactions and followers on our sites, and has taken extra steps to showcase the existing work the WSG produces. He has a MS in Biology from George Mason University and a BA in Arts and German from the University of Virginia. Jonathan works at AmeriCorps and NVCC Annandale. Find jonathanottke & washingtonsculptors on Instagram ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED This discussion will be recorded for posting on the WSG YouTube channel. Registration will be deemed consent to be recorded. This panel discussion is part of WSG’s ongoing series of professional practices talks for artists. View Previous Talks on our Youtube Channel |